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凭借技术、产量等优势,过去十几年,光伏发电的成本降幅已经超过90%,如今在中国西部很多地区,光伏电价已经低于火电,这为光伏可持续发展打下了良好基础。根据国家发展改革委能源研究所等机构的预测, 到2050年,中国近四成的用电量将来自光伏。












光伏的产业链条也持续优化升级, 在光伏板生产的四大环节中,中国产量占全球的比重,最低的达到近七成,最高的甚至接近100%。从原创专利的申请数量来看,中国在2013年就超过日本,成为最大的专利申请国。
凭借技术、产量等优势,过去十几年, 光伏发电的成本降幅已经超过90%,如今在中国西部很多地区,光伏电价已经低于火电,这为光伏可持续发展打下了良好基础。
我国十几个已发布十四五能源规划的省份,都明确要大力提升光伏规模。其中浙江、江苏等地到2025年的装机容量,都将增长一半以上。根据国家发展改革委能源研究所等机构的预测, 到2050年,中国近四成的用电量将来自光伏。随着光伏等清洁能源的持续发展,中国将在实现“碳达峰”和“碳中和”的路上越走越稳。

With the advantages of technology and output, the cost of photovoltaic power generation has dropped by more than 90% in the past decade. Now, in many areas of western China, the price of photovoltaic power has been lower than that of thermal power, which has laid a good foundation for the sustainable development of photovoltaic.   By 2050, nearly 40 percent of China's electricity consumption will come from photovoltaics, according to the Energy Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission and other institutions.  


The picture  


By 2050, nearly 40% of China's electricity generation will come from photovoltaics  

At the just-concluded climate summit, China made it clear that the key to green development is "green and low-carbon development of energy".  The carbon emission of photovoltaic power generation is one-tenth to one-twentieth of fossil energy power generation, which is a real low-carbon energy. However, photovoltaic power generation only accounts for 3.5% of China's electricity generation at present.  Pv will gradually become one of the important power sources in China in the future, providing a strong engine for achieving "carbon peak" and "carbon neutrality".  

One such change was detected in Dalat Banner, Inner Mongolia.  

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In the last three years, large squares have appeared in the Kubuqi Desert.  It was confirmed that these were rows and rows of photovoltaic panels.  The horse pattern alone is made up of nearly 200,000 photovoltaic panels.  At present, the whole area has more than 3 million pieces, making it the largest desert concentrated photovoltaic power generation base in China.  And the area will be expanded. Once the third phase of the project is completed, the annual power generation capacity of the whole base will reach 4 billion kilowatt hours, equivalent to the electricity demand of the whole society in an economically strong county in a year.  

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Thousands of miles away in Datong, Shanxi Province, former coal mining subsidence areas have also been transformed into photovoltaic bases.  

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In Huainan, Anhui Province, and Jiangyan, Jiangsu Province, local photovoltaic panels provide good shading for fish farming, realizing "complementary fishing light".  

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When looking at the whole country, the Space Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences used satellite remote sensing images to accurately extract the distribution of photovoltaic bases for us.   Each bright spot on the map represents a concentrated photovoltaic power generation zone, and as of 2019, there were more than 2,600 such zones.  This makes the installed capacity of photovoltaic power generation in China grow rapidly.  

In 2011, China's installed capacity was only 60% of that of Japan and the United States, and 6% of that of the European Union.  Since 2013, the state has intensified energy conservation and emission reduction efforts, and the photovoltaic industry has developed rapidly.  By 2017, China had more installed capacity than the entire European Union combined.  

The picture  




The photovoltaic industrial chain is also continuously optimized and upgraded. In the four major links of photovoltaic panel production, China's output accounts for nearly 70% of the world's total, and the highest is even close to 100%.   In 2013, China overtook Japan to become the largest patent applicant country in terms of the number of original patents filed.  

With the advantages of technology and output, the cost of photovoltaic power generation has dropped by more than 90% in the past decade. Now, in many areas of western China, the price of photovoltaic power has been lower than that of thermal power, which has laid a good foundation for the sustainable development of photovoltaic.  

More than a dozen provinces in China have issued the 14th five-year energy plan, and have made it clear that they want to greatly improve the scale of photovoltaic.   Zhejiang, Jiangsu and other places to 2025 installed capacity, will increase by more than half.  By 2050, nearly 40 percent of China's electricity consumption will come from photovoltaics, according to the Energy Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission and other institutions.  With the continuous development of photovoltaic and other clean energy sources, China will be steadily on the road to achieving carbon peak and carbon neutrality.  

