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《中国分布式光伏发电 100问答》由可再生能源学会光电专业委员会编制,为方便广大光伏微友的阅读,本站小编整理了文字版。








1839 年,19 岁的法国贝克勒尔做物理实验时,发现在导电液中的两种金属电极用光照射时电流会加强,从而发现了“光生伏打效应”。1930 年,郞格首次提出用“光伏效应”制造太阳能电池,使太阳能变成电能。

1932 年奥杜博特和斯托拉制成第一块“硫化镉”太阳能电池。

1941 年奥杜在硅上发现光伏效应。

1954 年5 月美国贝尔实验室恰宾、富勒和皮尔松开发出效率为6%的单晶硅太阳能电池,这是世界上第一个有实用价值的太阳能电池,同年威克首次发现了砷化镍有光伏效应,并在玻璃上沉积硫化镍博膜,制成了太阳能电池,太阳光转化为电能的实用光伏发电技术由此诞生并发展起来。








光伏发电具有显著的能源、环保和经济效益,是最优质的绿色能源之一,在我国平均日照条件下安装1 千瓦光伏发电系统,1 年可发出1200 度电,可减少煤炭(标准煤)使用量约400 千克,减少二氧化碳排放约1 吨,根据世界自然基金会(WWF)研究结果:从减少二氧化碳效果而言,安装1 平米光伏发电系统相当于植树造林100 平米,目前发展光伏发电等可再生能源是根本上解决雾霾、酸雨等环境问题的有效手段之一。


光伏电池在其生产过程中确实要消耗一定的能量,特别是工业硅提纯、高纯多晶硅生产、单晶硅棒多晶硅锭生产三个环节的能耗高,但是光伏电池在20年的使用寿命期内能够不断产生能量。据测算在我国平均日照条件下,光伏发电系统全寿命期内能量回报超过其能源消耗的15 倍以上。在北京以最佳倾斜角安装的1 千瓦屋顶光伏并网系统的能量回收期为1.5-2 年,远底于光伏系统的使用寿命期。也就是说该光伏系统前1.5-2 年发出的电量是用来抵消其生产等过程消耗的能量,1.5-2 年之后发出的能量都是纯产出,所以应该从全生命周期角度评定光伏电池的能耗。


光伏电池组件生产包括多晶硅、硅锭硅片、光伏电池组和光伏组件几个产业链环节,相关污染的报道主要是指光伏组件的原材料、高纯多晶硅生产中产生的副产物,高纯多晶硅生产主要是使用改良西门子法,该法将冶金级硅转化成三氯氦硅,在加氢气还原成太阳能级多晶硅,另外会形成副产物氯化硅,四氯化硅遇潮湿空气即分解成硅酸和氯化氢,如果处理不当会产生污染问题,但是目前我国多晶硅生产企业采用的改良西门子法已可做到闭环生产,将副产物四氯化硅和尾气回收利用,实现清洁生产。2010 年12 月国家发布了《多晶硅行业准入条件》,规定还原尾气中四氯化硅、氯气回收利用率不低于98.5%、99%,因此成熟的改良西门子法生产技术完全满足环保要求,不会产生环境污染问题。


地球表面接受的太阳能辐射能够满足全球能源需求的1 万倍,地表面每平方米平均每年接收到的辐射随地域不同大约在1000-2000KWH之间,国际能源署数据显示,在全球4%的沙漠上安装太阳能光伏系统就足以满足全球能源需求。太阳能光伏享有广阔的发展空间,其潜力十分巨大。






















大棚的升温、保温一直都是个困扰农户的重点问题,光伏农业大棚有望解决这一难题,由于夏季的高温在6-9 月份众多品类的蔬菜无法正常成长,而光伏农业大棚如同在农业大棚外添加了一个分光机,可隔绝红外线, 阻止过多的热量进去大棚,在冬季和黑夜的时候又能阻止大棚内的红处波段的光向外辐射,起到保温效果。光伏农业大棚能供给农业大棚内照明等所需电力,剩余电力还能并网。

在离网形式的光伏大棚中可与LED系统相互调配,白日阻光保障植物生长,同时发电。黑夜LED 系统应用白日电力提供照明。











鼓励各类电力用户、投资企业、专业化合同能源管理服务公司以及个人等作为项目单位投资建设和经营分布式光伏发电项目,对于分布式光伏发电目前采用对所有分布式光伏电量给予定额补贴,因此光伏度电收益直接受户用电价水平的影响,工商业用电电价在0.8-1.4 元每度,大工业用电电价在0.6-0.8 元每度,公共事业单位用电电价在0.5-0.6 元每度,政府学校医院事业单位、农业用电和居民用电则只有0.3-0.5 元每度,因此采用单位电量定额补贴对于安装在不同建筑或电力用户的分布式光伏项目的收益是不同的,这需要开发商自己判断和决定项目是否合算。



























国家电网公司为分布式发电并网提供客户服务中心,95598 服务热线网上营业厅等多种咨询渠道,向项目业主提供并网办理流程说明,想关政策规定解释、并网工作进度查询等服务,申请分布式光伏并网可由当地电力公司客户服务中心咨询办理,也可联系国家民电网公司服务热线进行咨询。






现阶段分布式发电仍然需要国家补贴,假定每年安装600 万千瓦分布式发电,全年发电量至少70 亿度,如果每度电补贴0.42 元则需要几十亿元人民币,为了优化补贴资金配置,备案是必须的,分布式发电项目由地市级或县级能源主管部门实行备案管理,如果项目不需要国家补贴,则可直接实行备案管理后就可以开工建设。


地市级或县级能源主管部门在受理项目备案申请之日起10 个工作日内完成备案审核并将审核意见告知项目单位,当申请项目的累计规模超出该地区年度指导规模时,当地能源主管部门发布通知,停止受理项目备案申请,分布式发电项目备案有效期内如果无特殊原因未建成投产,项目备案文件自动失效。




个人安装的分布式光伏项目原则上自发自用,余电上网,电网调节余缺,对于自用光伏电量,自动抵消电网用电量,不进行交易,对于富余上网光伏电量电网公司以当地脱硫煤标杆电价收购,个人作为项目单位建设分布式光伏设施单个项目装机规模原则上不大于30 千瓦,各省有能源主管部门可视情况简化项目管理。





对于光伏系统设计而言,第一步,也是非常关键的一步,就是分析项目安装使用地点的太阳能资源以及相关气象资料。诸如当地太阳能辐射量、降水量、风速等气象数据,是设计系统的关键数据。目前可以免费查询到全球任何地点的气象数据为NASA 美国太空总署气象数据库。


分布式光伏系统并网电压主要由系统装机容量所决定,具体并网电压需根据电网公司的接入系统批复决定,一般户用选用AC220V 接入电网,商用可选择AC380V 或10kV 接入电网。













家用光伏发电系统装机容量的大小,取决于用电设备负载、屋顶的样式和屋顶的面积,并结合电网公司的批复意见,确定最佳安装容量,一般情况下平面屋顶安装量约为70 瓦每平米。





51.安装后如果连续阴雨或者雾霾,光伏发电系统还会工作吗? 会不会电力不足或者断电?













系统设计时需要客户要求提供的资料分为选项和强选项部分,必选项部分包括项目安装地点,建筑周围环境、建筑建设年份、屋顶类型、屋顶载荷、接入电压等级和屋顶照片等,可选项部分包括平均每月用电量、屋顶板结构、CAD 图纸、屋顶表面情况、电表箱照片等,当然可选部分填写的越详细越有助于更加合理地进行优化设计,更好的提高发电量。






61.分布式光伏与建筑结合时如何满足建筑隔热隔音的要求? 是否会影响室内采光?

1. 采用不同的玻璃材质和结构控制隔热和隔音,分布式系统设备户内型的噪音由用户和制造厂协议确定,满足广大用户的需求,与建筑结合的可设计隔音与隔热层,满足不同用户个性化需求。

2. 采用不同的电池片及排布方式来调整透光率,分布式与建筑结合时会留出采光区域,不会影响室内采光。











不带蓄电池的光伏发电系统,设计寿命一般为20-25 年。





















A,背面最大静载荷2400PA 和直径25MM 的冰雹以23M/S 秒的速度撞击等严格的测试,因此不会对光伏发电系统带来危害。





光伏发电系统是将太阳能转换为电能,不会产生燥音影响,逆变器的噪音指标不高于65 分贝,也不会有噪音危害。

分布式发电系统附近禁止堆放易燃易爆物品,一旦发生火灾所造成的人员及财产损失不可估量,除了基本的消防安全措施外,还特别提醒光伏系统具有自我检测、和防火功能,降低火灾发生可能性,此外还需要每隔最长40 米就必须预留防火和维修通道,而且必须有方便操作的紧急直流系统断路开关。


























检测机构主要有:中国科学院太阳光伏发电系统和风力发电系统质量检测中心、国家太阳能光伏产品质量监督检验中心、中国电子科技集团公司第十八研究所、中国航天科技集团公司第811 研究所、深圳电子产品质量检测中心、杨


95.如何估算家庭分布式光伏发电系统的投资? 一般需要多长时间才可以收回成本?

根据光照条件、用户侧电价、补贴及系统成本的不同,6-10 年即可以收回成本,余下的15 年所产生的电量收入会成为利润。togrenner 的投资评估小软件,可以大概测算一个数值供参考。


分布式光伏发电系统的运行维护主要是对系统的机械安装、电气连接的日常检测,对光伏组件的清洗,对部分失效部件的更换等简单操作,成本相对较低,对于10 千瓦以下的系统维护成本几乎可以忽略不计,但是MW 级的电站应当预算1%-3%维护成本进入系统的总投资,每次每平方米的清洗成本在0.5-0.8元不等,主要取决于当地人工成本和运维服务提供人员的多少。


发电成本与安装地点的人工成本、日照资源、安装方式、系统投资、当地电价、系统有效寿命、财务成本等有着密切的关系,所以度电成本肯定不是一个精确的数据,综合考虑这些因素,假定分布式光伏发电的寿命为20 年,根据不同地区资源和技术条件,分布式光伏发电的度电成本大致的范围为0.7-1.4元/度电左右。













参照我国有关投资项目资本金制度的规定,用户至少应筹集项目总投资20%的资本金,相应申请银行贷款的比例最高可达80%,参照电力项目中长期贷款,根据贷款人及项目实际,分布式光伏发电项目贷款期限一般最长可达15 年,目前我国逐步实现利率市场化,在人民银行基准利率的基础上,各银行可根据自身情况实行灵活定价,还款方式一般可实行等额本息或等额本金的还款方式。





"China distributed photovoltaic power generation 100 questions and answers" by the Renewable Energy Institute Photoelectric Professional Committee compiled, in order to facilitate the majority of photovoltaic micro friends to read, the site Xiaobian collated the text version.

This article is the most complete version of the network visible, welcome to forward the collection!

Principle and significance


1. What is photovoltaic power generation?What is distributed photovoltaic power generation?

Photovoltaic power generation refers to the use of solar radiation directly into electricity generation, photovoltaic power generation is the mainstream of solar power generation, so now people often say that solar power generation is photovoltaic power generation.

Distributed power generation refers to the photovoltaic power generation facilities built near the user site, which are mainly operated for spontaneous and self-use on the user side. The surplus electricity is connected to the Internet, but the distribution system is characterized by balance adjustment.

Distributed power generation follows the original test of adjusting measures to local conditions, clean and efficient, decentralized layout and nearby utilization, and makes full use of local solar energy resources to replace and reduce fossil energy consumption.

2. Do you know the historical origin of photovoltaic power generation?

In 1839, the 19-year-old French Henri Becquerel was doing physical experiments, and found that the current would be strengthened when two metal electrodes in the conductive liquid were irradiated with light, thus finding the "photovoltaic effect". In 1930, Langge first proposed using the "photovoltaic effect" to make solar cells, which turn the sun's energy into electricity.

In 1932, Odubote and Stolla made the first "cadmium sulfide" solar cell.

In 1941, Aldoo discovered the photovoltaic effect on silicon.

In May 1954, the United States bell LABS bing, fuller and peel loosen the efficiency as 6% of monocrystalline silicon solar cells, and this is the first in the world have the practical value of solar cells, and for the first time in the same year wake found nickel arsenide photovoltaic effect, and deposited nickel sulfide bo film on glass, made the solar cell, the sun's rays into electricity practical photovoltaic power generation technology was born and developed.

3. How do photovoltaic cells generate electricity?

Photovoltaic cell is a kind of light, electricity transformation characteristics of semiconductor devices, it directly convert solar radiation into direct current, is the most basic unit of photovoltaic power generation, electrical characteristics of pv cell characteristic is using and incorporating some elements in the crystalline silicon (such as phosphorus and boron, etc.), thereby having a permanent in material molecular charge imbalance, the formation of semiconductor materials with special performance, under the sun with special electrical produces free charge in the semiconductor, the directional movement and free charge accumulation, which generate electricity when it closed at both ends, a phenomenon known as "photovoltaic effect" referred to as the photovoltaic effect.

4. What are the components of a photovoltaic power generation system?

The photovoltaic power generation system is composed of photovoltaic phalanx (photovoltaic phalanx is composed of photovoltaic modules in series and parallel), controller, battery pack, DC/AC inverter and other parts. Core parts of photovoltaic power generation system is photovoltaic modules, and pv modules is packaged by photovoltaic cells and in series, in parallel, it will be the sun's light energy into electrical energy directly, photovoltaic modules generate electricity for direct current (dc), we can use them with inverter can also converted into alternating current use, from another point of view for photovoltaic system can generate electricity namely hair box, also can use the energy storage device such as battery energy storage, free to use at any time according to need.

5. What is a distribution network?What is the relationship between distribution network and distributed photovoltaic power generation?

Power plants to accept electricity from the grid or regions, by assigning or distribution facilities in situ according to voltage level assigned to each kind of user network, is made up of overhead line, cable, tower, power distribution transformer, isolating switch, reactive power compensation capacitance, metering device, and other ancillary facilities of generally adopt closed loop design, and ring, its structure into radial, distributed power distribution network access in power generation and power distribution system, power distribution network structure from the radial structure become more power structure, short circuit current size, direction and distribution characteristics were changed.

6. Why is photovoltaic power a green and low-carbon energy source?

Photovoltaic (pv) power generation has significant energy, environmental protection and economic benefit, is one of the most high quality green energy, under the condition of our country average sunshine install 1 mw photovoltaic power generation systems, 1 year can be sent 1200 KWH, can reduce the usage of about 400 kilograms of standard coal, coal to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from about 1 ton, according to the world wide fund for nature (WWF) the results of the study: from the effect of carbon dioxide, photovoltaic power generation system is equivalent to install 1 square meters of afforestation, 100 square meters, the current development of renewable energy sources such as photovoltaic (pv) power generation is fundamentally solve the smog, acid rain, etc. One of the effective means of environmental problems.

7. How do you view the news that "a large amount of energy is consumed in the production of photovoltaic cell modules"?

Photovoltaic cells in its production process does need to consume a certain amount of energy, especially industrial silicon purification, high-purity polycrystalline silicon production, monocrystalline silicon rod/polycrystalline silicon ingot production of three links of high energy consumption, but the photovoltaic cells in 20 years of service life can continue to produce energy. It is estimated that under the average sunshine conditions in China, the energy return of the photovoltaic power generation system during its whole life period exceeds its energy consumption by more than 15 times.The energy recovery period of the 1-kilowatt rooftop photovoltaic grid-connected system installed at the optimal inclination Angle in Beijing is 1.5-2 years, far below the service life of the photovoltaic system. That is to say, the electricity produced by the photovoltaic system in the first 1.5-2 years is used to offset the energy consumed in the production process, etc., while the energy produced after 1.5-2 years is pure output. Therefore, the energy consumption of the photovoltaic cell should be evaluated from the perspective of the whole life cycle.

8. How do you view the news that "the production of photovoltaic cell modules will produce a large amount of pollution?

Photovoltaic cell component production including polysilicon, silicon ingot wafers, pv batteries and photovoltaic modules for industrial chain link, the related reports of pollution mainly refers to the raw materials, in the production of high purity polycrystalline silicon photovoltaic modules of byproduct of high purity polysilicon production mainly is to use the improved Siemens method, the law will metallurgical grade silicon into cross-linked with helium, in the add hydrogen reduction into solar energy polysilicon, also can form silicon chloride, the by-product of silicon tetrachloride in moist air is decomposed into silicic acid and hydrochloric acid, can produce pollution if not handled properly, but at present, China's polysilicon production enterprises to adopt the improved Siemens method can achieve closed-loop production, The by-product silicon tetrachloride and tail gas are recycled to realize clean production.In December 2010, the state issued the Access Conditions for Polycrystalline Silicon Industry, which stipulated that the recovery rate of silicon tetrachloride and chlorine gas in the reduction tail gas should not be less than 98.5% and 99%. Therefore, the mature improved Siemens production technology fully meets the requirements of environmental protection and will not cause environmental pollution.

9. How much sunlight can we use?Could it be the dominant energy source of the future?

The Earth's surface receives 10,000 times as much solar radiation as the world's energy needs. The average annual radiation received per square meter of the earth's surface ranges from 1,000 to 2,000 kWh, depending on the region. According to the International Energy Agency, installing solar photovoltaic systems on 4% of the world's deserts would be enough to meet the world's energy needs. Solar photovoltaic enjoys broad development space and its potential is very huge.

According to preliminary statistics, in China only USES the existing building installation photovoltaic its market potential is about 3 trillion kw or more, plus the western vast gobi photovoltaic market potential is about billions kilowatt above, with the technological progress and scale application of photovoltaic power generation, will further reduce the cost of power generation, become more competitive in the energy supply way, step by step from complementary energy to alternative energy sources and hopes to become a leading energy in the future.

Resources and applications


10. How are the solar energy resources distributed in China?

The total solar radiation resources in China are rich, and the distribution characteristics are that the plateau is larger than the plain, and the western region is larger than the eastern region, among which the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is the most abundant, and the Sichuan Basin is relatively low in resources.

11. What are the applications of distributed photovoltaic power generation?

Distributed photovoltaic power generation includes application forms such as grid-connected, off-grid and multi-energy complementary micro-grid. Grid-connected distributed power generation is mostly applied near users. Generally, it operates in parallel with medium and low-voltage distribution networks and is for self-use. Off-grid distributed photovoltaic power generation is mostly used in remote areas and island areas. It is not connected to the large power grid, but directly supplies power to the load using its own generation system and energy storage system.The distributed photovoltaic system can also form a multi-energy complementary micro-electric system with other power generation modes, such as water, wind, light, etc., which can either operate independently as a micro-grid or be connected to the grid.

12. Where is distributed photovoltaic power generation applicable?

The application of distributed photovoltaic power generation system can be divided into two categories:

First, it can be promoted on all kinds of buildings and public facilities nationwide to form a distributed building photovoltaic power generation system. The distributed power generation system can be established by using all kinds of local buildings and public facilities to meet part of the electricity demand of power users and provide production electricity for high-energy consuming enterprises.

Two islands, but in remote areas such as less electricity without electricity promotion, formation or micro grid off-grid power generation system, due to the gap of economic development level, our country still has a part of the rural population did not solve the problem of basic electricity, past rural electric engineering mostly depend on the extension of power grid, power supply, small hydropower and thermal power grid extension is difficult, and power supply radius is too long, can lead to the power supply quality is poorer, developing off-grid type distributed generation not only can be solved in basic electricity, electricity less electricity residents can also clean and efficient use of the local available in raw energy, effectively solve the energy and the environment between MAO dun.

13. Where are suitable locations for installing distributed photovoltaic systems?

Industrial factory building, especially in electricity consumption is bigger, the online electricity is more expensive in the factory, workshop roof area is large, usually open flat roof, suitable for installation of pv array and because of its high power load, distributed photovoltaic (pv) grid system can be done with in situ given, offset part of the online power, thereby saving the user's electricity.

Commercial buildings: similar to the effect of the industrial park, the difference is that commercial buildings more for cement roof, is more advantageous to install photovoltaic array, but usually have requirements of architectural aesthetics, according to the shopping malls, office buildings, hotels, conference center, resorts and other service industry characteristics, user load characteristic is generally characterized by higher during the day, night is low, to better match the photovoltaic properties.

Agricultural facilities: There are a large number of usable roofs in rural areas, including self-owned houses, greenhouses, fish ponds, etc. In rural areas, which are often at the end of the public power grid and have poor power quality, the construction of distributed photovoltaic system in rural areas can improve electricity security and power quality.

Municipal and other public buildings: due to unified management standards, relatively reliable user load and commercial behavior, high enthusiasm for installation, municipal and other public buildings are also suitable for distributed photovoltaic centralized continuous construction.

Remote farming and pastoral areas and islands: due to the distance from the power grid, Tibet, Qinghai, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia,

In remote farming and pastoral areas in provinces such as Gansu and Sichuan, as well as coastal islands in China, there are millions of people without electricity. Off-grid photovoltaic systems or micro-grid power generation systems complementary to other energy sources are suitable for application in these areas.

14. What is the distributed photovoltaic power generation system combined with buildings?

The photovoltaic grid-connected power generation combined with buildings is an important application form of distributed photovoltaic power generation at present. The technology is making rapid progress, which is mainly reflected in the installation method combined with buildings and the electrical design of building photovoltaic. According to the different installation methods combined with buildings, it can be divided into photovoltaic integration and photovoltaic building addition.

15. What is the difference between the installation of PV array on the facade of a building and the installation on the roof?

The ways of combining photovoltaic arrays with buildings can be divided into two ways: roof installation and side elevation installation. It can be said that these two installation ways are suitable for most buildings.

The roof installation forms mainly include horizontal roof, inclined roof and photovoltaic lighting roof

Among them:

Horizontal roof glazing array can be installed at the best Angle to obtain the maximum power generation, and conventional crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules can be used to reduce the module investment cost, which is usually relatively good in economy, but the aesthetics of this installation method is general.

Reveled roofs can be used to install PV arrays on roofs facing due south, southeast, southwest, east or west in the Northern Hemisphere. Reveled roofs facing due south can be installed at the best Angle or near the best Angle.

Photovoltaic lighting roof refers to in a transparent photovoltaic cells as the lighting on the top of the building components, beautiful sex is very good, and meet the needs of pervious to light, but photovoltaic lighting roof needs transparent components, module efficiency is lower, in addition to the generation of transparent, daylighting top component must satisfy certain connection construction aspects, such as mechanics, aesthetics, structure, component cost is high, the cost is high, bring construction to promote social value of the concept of green effect.

Side elevation installation mainly refers to the way of installing photovoltaic modules on the south wall and east wall of the building. For high-rise buildings, the wall is the outer surface with the largest contact area with sunlight, and the photovoltaic curtain wall is a more common application method.

16. Can agricultural greenhouses and fish ponds install distributed photovoltaic grid-connected systems?

Greenhouse warming, insulation has been a key problem in farmers, agricultural greenhouses photovoltaic (pv) is expected to solve this problem, due to the high temperature of summer in September 6 - many vegetables can't normal growth of the category, and agricultural greenhouses photovoltaic as added a spectral machine outside the agricultural greenhouses, can isolate infrared ray, prevent excessive heat in greenhouses, in winter and night and can prevent the greenhouses in red wavelengths of light outward radiation, heat preservation effect. Photovoltaic agricultural greenhouses can supply the electricity needed for lighting in agricultural greenhouses, and the remaining electricity can also be connected to the grid.

In the off-grid form of photovoltaic greenhouse, it can be mutually deployed with the LED system to protect the growth of plants during the day and generate electricity at the same time. The night LED system uses daytime electricity to provide lighting.

The photovoltaic array can also be set up in the fish pond, and the pond can continue to raise fish. The photovoltaic array can also provide a good shielding effect for fish farming, which better solves the contradiction between the development of new energy and a large amount of occupied land. Therefore, the distributed photovoltaic power generation system can be installed in agricultural greenhouses and fish ponds.

Policy paper


17. What is "self-use, surplus power online "?

Spontaneous electric refers to online distributed photovoltaic systems for self-use by power mainly used by power users themselves, redundant power grid, it is a kind of business model of distributed photovoltaic power generation, photovoltaic and outlets located in the user meter for this kind of operation mode of the load side, need to add a piece of photovoltaic (pv) against sending electricity metering meters or set the grid electricity meters into a two-way measurement, the user's own direct use of solar power, save electricity by way of directly enjoy sales of electricity power grid, the sending power separate measurement and settlement of a feed-in tariff.

18. What is the "photovoltaic grid benchmark price" policy?

Photovoltaic benchmark price policy is based on the present cost of photovoltaic power generation, and consider the reasonable profit after the price of electricity, solar photovoltaic power project developers at that price will be sold to the grid enterprise, the local higher desulfurization of coal fire power plant balance part of online electricity price benchmarking to entire network allocation method for grid enterprises covering, photovoltaic benchmark price policy is mainly suitable for large scale photovoltaic power station.

"China distributed photovoltaic power generation 100 questions and answers" by the Renewable Energy Institute Photoelectric Professional Committee compiled, in order to facilitate the majority of photovoltaic micro friends to read, the site Xiaobian collated the text version.

This article is the most complete version of the network visible, welcome to forward the collection!

Principle and significance


1. What is photovoltaic power generation?What is distributed photovoltaic power generation?

Photovoltaic power generation refers to the use of solar radiation directly into electricity generation, photovoltaic power generation is the mainstream of solar power generation, so now people often say that solar power generation is photovoltaic power generation.

Distributed power generation refers to the photovoltaic power generation facilities built near the user site, which are mainly operated for spontaneous and self-use on the user side. The surplus electricity is connected to the Internet, but the distribution system is characterized by balance adjustment.

Distributed power generation follows the original test of adjusting measures to local conditions, clean and efficient, decentralized layout and nearby utilization, and makes full use of local solar energy resources to replace and reduce fossil energy consumption.

2. Do you know the historical origin of photovoltaic power generation?

In 1839, the 19-year-old French Henri Becquerel was doing physical experiments, and found that the current would be strengthened when two metal electrodes in the conductive liquid were irradiated with light, thus finding the "photovoltaic effect". In 1930, Langge first proposed using the "photovoltaic effect" to make solar cells, which turn the sun's energy into electricity.

In 1932, Odubote and Stolla made the first "cadmium sulfide" solar cell.

In 1941, Aldoo discovered the photovoltaic effect on silicon.

In May 1954, the United States bell LABS bing, fuller and peel loosen the efficiency as 6% of monocrystalline silicon solar cells, and this is the first in the world have the practical value of solar cells, and for the first time in the same year wake found nickel arsenide photovoltaic effect, and deposited nickel sulfide bo film on glass, made the solar cell, the sun's rays into electricity practical photovoltaic power generation technology was born and developed.

3. How do photovoltaic cells generate electricity?

Photovoltaic cell is a kind of light, electricity transformation characteristics of semiconductor devices, it directly convert solar radiation into direct current, is the most basic unit of photovoltaic power generation, electrical characteristics of pv cell characteristic is using and incorporating some elements in the crystalline silicon (such as phosphorus and boron, etc.), thereby having a permanent in material molecular charge imbalance, the formation of semiconductor materials with special performance, under the sun with special electrical produces free charge in the semiconductor, the directional movement and free charge accumulation, which generate electricity when it closed at both ends, a phenomenon known as "photovoltaic effect" referred to as the photovoltaic effect.

4. What are the components of a photovoltaic power generation system?

The photovoltaic power generation system is composed of photovoltaic phalanx (photovoltaic phalanx is composed of photovoltaic modules in series and parallel), controller, battery pack, DC/AC inverter and other parts. Core parts of photovoltaic power generation system is photovoltaic modules, and pv modules is packaged by photovoltaic cells and in series, in parallel, it will be the sun's light energy into electrical energy directly, photovoltaic modules generate electricity for direct current (dc), we can use them with inverter can also converted into alternating current use, from another point of view for photovoltaic system can generate electricity namely hair box, also can use the energy storage device such as battery energy storage, free to use at any time according to need.

5. What is a distribution network?What is the relationship between distribution network and distributed photovoltaic power generation?

Power plants to accept electricity from the grid or regions, by assigning or distribution facilities in situ according to voltage level assigned to each kind of user network, is made up of overhead line, cable, tower, power distribution transformer, isolating switch, reactive power compensation capacitance, metering device, and other ancillary facilities of generally adopt closed loop design, and ring, its structure into radial, distributed power distribution network access in power generation and power distribution system, power distribution network structure from the radial structure become more power structure, short circuit current size, direction and distribution characteristics were changed.

6. Why is photovoltaic power a green and low-carbon energy source?

Photovoltaic (pv) power generation has significant energy, environmental protection and economic benefit, is one of the most high quality green energy, under the condition of our country average sunshine install 1 mw photovoltaic power generation systems, 1 year can be sent 1200 KWH, can reduce the usage of about 400 kilograms of standard coal, coal to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from about 1 ton, according to the world wide fund for nature (WWF) the results of the study: from the effect of carbon dioxide, photovoltaic power generation system is equivalent to install 1 square meters of afforestation, 100 square meters, the current development of renewable energy sources such as photovoltaic (pv) power generation is fundamentally solve the smog, acid rain, etc. One of the effective means of environmental problems.

7. How do you view the news that "a large amount of energy is consumed in the production of photovoltaic cell modules"?

Photovoltaic cells in its production process does need to consume a certain amount of energy, especially industrial silicon purification, high-purity polycrystalline silicon production, monocrystalline silicon rod/polycrystalline silicon ingot production of three links of high energy consumption, but the photovoltaic cells in 20 years of service life can continue to produce energy. It is estimated that under the average sunshine conditions in China, the energy return of the photovoltaic power generation system during its whole life period exceeds its energy consumption by more than 15 times.The energy recovery period of the 1-kilowatt rooftop photovoltaic grid-connected system installed at the optimal inclination Angle in Beijing is 1.5-2 years, far below the service life of the photovoltaic system. That is to say, the electricity produced by the photovoltaic system in the first 1.5-2 years is used to offset the energy consumed in the production process, etc., while the energy produced after 1.5-2 years is pure output. Therefore, the energy consumption of the photovoltaic cell should be evaluated from the perspective of the whole life cycle.

8. How do you view the news that "the production of photovoltaic cell modules will produce a large amount of pollution?

Photovoltaic cell component production including polysilicon, silicon ingot wafers, pv batteries and photovoltaic modules for industrial chain link, the related reports of pollution mainly refers to the raw materials, in the production of high purity polycrystalline silicon photovoltaic modules of byproduct of high purity polysilicon production mainly is to use the improved Siemens method, the law will metallurgical grade silicon into cross-linked with helium, in the add hydrogen reduction into solar energy polysilicon, also can form silicon chloride, the by-product of silicon tetrachloride in moist air is decomposed into silicic acid and hydrochloric acid, can produce pollution if not handled properly, but at present, China's polysilicon production enterprises to adopt the improved Siemens method can achieve closed-loop production, The by-product silicon tetrachloride and tail gas are recycled to realize clean production.In December 2010, the state issued the Access Conditions for Polycrystalline Silicon Industry, which stipulated that the recovery rate of silicon tetrachloride and chlorine gas in the reduction tail gas should not be less than 98.5% and 99%. Therefore, the mature improved Siemens production technology fully meets the requirements of environmental protection and will not cause environmental pollution.

9. How much sunlight can we use?Could it be the dominant energy source of the future?

The Earth's surface receives 10,000 times as much solar radiation as the world's energy needs. The average annual radiation received per square meter of the earth's surface ranges from 1,000 to 2,000 kWh, depending on the region. According to the International Energy Agency, installing solar photovoltaic systems on 4% of the world's deserts would be enough to meet the world's energy needs. Solar photovoltaic enjoys broad development space and its potential is very huge.

According to preliminary statistics, in China only USES the existing building installation photovoltaic its market potential is about 3 trillion kw or more, plus the western vast gobi photovoltaic market potential is about billions kilowatt above, with the technological progress and scale application of photovoltaic power generation, will further reduce the cost of power generation, become more competitive in the energy supply way, step by step from complementary energy to alternative energy sources and hopes to become a leading energy in the future.

Resources and applications


10. How are the solar energy resources distributed in China?

The total solar radiation resources in China are rich, and the distribution characteristics are that the plateau is larger than the plain, and the western region is larger than the eastern region, among which the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is the most abundant, and the Sichuan Basin is relatively low in resources.

11. What are the applications of distributed photovoltaic power generation?

Distributed photovoltaic power generation includes application forms such as grid-connected, off-grid and multi-energy complementary micro-grid. Grid-connected distributed power generation is mostly applied near users. Generally, it operates in parallel with medium and low-voltage distribution networks and is for self-use. Off-grid distributed photovoltaic power generation is mostly used in remote areas and island areas. It is not connected to the large power grid, but directly supplies power to the load using its own generation system and energy storage system.The distributed photovoltaic system can also form a multi-energy complementary micro-electric system with other power generation modes, such as water, wind, light, etc., which can either operate independently as a micro-grid or be connected to the grid.

12. Where is distributed photovoltaic power generation applicable?

The application of distributed photovoltaic power generation system can be divided into two categories:

First, it can be promoted on all kinds of buildings and public facilities nationwide to form a distributed building photovoltaic power generation system. The distributed power generation system can be established by using all kinds of local buildings and public facilities to meet part of the electricity demand of power users and provide production electricity for high-energy consuming enterprises.

Two islands, but in remote areas such as less electricity without electricity promotion, formation or micro grid off-grid power generation system, due to the gap of economic development level, our country still has a part of the rural population did not solve the problem of basic electricity, past rural electric engineering mostly depend on the extension of power grid, power supply, small hydropower and thermal power grid extension is difficult, and power supply radius is too long, can lead to the power supply quality is poorer, developing off-grid type distributed generation not only can be solved in basic electricity, electricity less electricity residents can also clean and efficient use of the local available in raw energy, effectively solve the energy and the environment between MAO dun.

13. Where are suitable locations for installing distributed photovoltaic systems?

Industrial factory building, especially in electricity consumption is bigger, the online electricity is more expensive in the factory, workshop roof area is large, usually open flat roof, suitable for installation of pv array and because of its high power load, distributed photovoltaic (pv) grid system can be done with in situ given, offset part of the online power, thereby saving the user's electricity.

Commercial buildings: similar to the effect of the industrial park, the difference is that commercial buildings more for cement roof, is more advantageous to install photovoltaic array, but usually have requirements of architectural aesthetics, according to the shopping malls, office buildings, hotels, conference center, resorts and other service industry characteristics, user load characteristic is generally characterized by higher during the day, night is low, to better match the photovoltaic properties.

Agricultural facilities: There are a large number of usable roofs in rural areas, including self-owned houses, greenhouses, fish ponds, etc. In rural areas, which are often at the end of the public power grid and have poor power quality, the construction of distributed photovoltaic system in rural areas can improve electricity security and power quality.

Municipal and other public buildings: due to unified management standards, relatively reliable user load and commercial behavior, high enthusiasm for installation, municipal and other public buildings are also suitable for distributed photovoltaic centralized continuous construction.

Remote farming and pastoral areas and islands: due to the distance from the power grid, Tibet, Qinghai, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia,

In remote farming and pastoral areas in provinces such as Gansu and Sichuan, as well as coastal islands in China, there are millions of people without electricity. Off-grid photovoltaic systems or micro-grid power generation systems complementary to other energy sources are suitable for application in these areas.

14. What is the distributed photovoltaic power generation system combined with buildings?

The photovoltaic grid-connected power generation combined with buildings is an important application form of distributed photovoltaic power generation at present. The technology is making rapid progress, which is mainly reflected in the installation method combined with buildings and the electrical design of building photovoltaic. According to the different installation methods combined with buildings, it can be divided into photovoltaic integration and photovoltaic building addition.

15. What is the difference between the installation of PV array on the facade of a building and the installation on the roof?

The ways of combining photovoltaic arrays with buildings can be divided into two ways: roof installation and side elevation installation. It can be said that these two installation ways are suitable for most buildings.

The roof installation forms mainly include horizontal roof, inclined roof and photovoltaic lighting roof

Among them:

Horizontal roof glazing array can be installed at the best Angle to obtain the maximum power generation, and conventional crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules can be used to reduce the module investment cost, which is usually relatively good in economy, but the aesthetics of this installation method is general.

Reveled roofs can be used to install PV arrays on roofs facing due south, southeast, southwest, east or west in the Northern Hemisphere. Reveled roofs facing due south can be installed at the best Angle or near the best Angle.

Photovoltaic lighting roof refers to in a transparent photovoltaic cells as the lighting on the top of the building components, beautiful sex is very good, and meet the needs of pervious to light, but photovoltaic lighting roof needs transparent components, module efficiency is lower, in addition to the generation of transparent, daylighting top component must satisfy certain connection construction aspects, such as mechanics, aesthetics, structure, component cost is high, the cost is high, bring construction to promote social value of the concept of green effect.

Side elevation installation mainly refers to the way of installing photovoltaic modules on the south wall and east wall of the building. For high-rise buildings, the wall is the outer surface with the largest contact area with sunlight, and the photovoltaic curtain wall is a more common application method.

16. Can agricultural greenhouses and fish ponds install distributed photovoltaic grid-connected systems?

Greenhouse warming, insulation has been a key problem in farmers, agricultural greenhouses photovoltaic (pv) is expected to solve this problem, due to the high temperature of summer in September 6 - many vegetables can't normal growth of the category, and agricultural greenhouses photovoltaic as added a spectral machine outside the agricultural greenhouses, can isolate infrared ray, prevent excessive heat in greenhouses, in winter and night and can prevent the greenhouses in red wavelengths of light outward radiation, heat preservation effect. Photovoltaic agricultural greenhouses can supply the electricity needed for lighting in agricultural greenhouses, and the remaining electricity can also be connected to the grid.

In the off-grid form of photovoltaic greenhouse, it can be mutually deployed with the LED system to protect the growth of plants during the day and generate electricity at the same time. The night LED system uses daytime electricity to provide lighting.

The photovoltaic array can also be set up in the fish pond, and the pond can continue to raise fish. The photovoltaic array can also provide a good shielding effect for fish farming, which better solves the contradiction between the development of new energy and a large amount of occupied land. Therefore, the distributed photovoltaic power generation system can be installed in agricultural greenhouses and fish ponds.

Policy paper


17. What is "self-use, surplus power online "?

Spontaneous electric refers to online distributed photovoltaic systems for self-use by power mainly used by power users themselves, redundant power grid, it is a kind of business model of distributed photovoltaic power generation, photovoltaic and outlets located in the user meter for this kind of operation mode of the load side, need to add a piece of photovoltaic (pv) against sending electricity metering meters or set the grid electricity meters into a two-way measurement, the user's own direct use of solar power, save electricity by way of directly enjoy sales of electricity power grid, the sending power separate measurement and settlement of a feed-in tariff.

18. What is the "photovoltaic grid benchmark price" policy?

Photovoltaic benchmark price policy is based on the present cost of photovoltaic power generation, and consider the reasonable profit after the price of electricity, solar photovoltaic power project developers at that price will be sold to the grid enterprise, the local higher desulfurization of coal fire power plant balance part of online electricity price benchmarking to entire network allocation method for grid enterprises covering, photovoltaic benchmark price policy is mainly suitable for large scale photovoltaic power station.

19. What is the "unit electricity quota subsidy" policy?

Unit power electricity subsidy policy norm subsidy policy referred to as "degrees, is according to photovoltaic system's electricity subsidies, mainly is suitable for the distributed photovoltaic generating system, distributed generation USES electricity subsidy policy is characterized by spontaneous for private use, surplus electricity to the Internet, namely spontaneous for photovoltaic power don't do the deal, according to the state electricity give subsidies, the surplus electricity in addition to the power grid enterprise online payment of the desulfurization of coal fire power unit online electricity price benchmarking also enjoy subsidies of KWH.

20. Is the subsidy for "self-use" electricity and "surplus electricity" electricity the same?

At present, the national policy of distributed photovoltaic power generation to take the way of unit electricity quota subsidy, that is, the photovoltaic system of all the power generation are subsidized, so whether it is spontaneous and self-consumption of electricity or residual electricity online are subsidized according to the same standard.

21. Are distributed PV subsidies the same in different fields?

Encourage all kinds of power users, investment companies, professional contract energy management services to companies and individuals as a unit investment projects such as the construction and operation of distributed photovoltaic power generation project, for distributed photovoltaic power generation is adopt to all distributed quota subsidies for solar power, so the pv KWH earnings directly affected by household electricity price level, commercial and industrial electricity price in 0.8 to 1.4 yuan per degree, industrial electricity price in 0.6 0.8 yuan each, utilities electricity price in 0.5 0.6 yuan each, Government schools, hospitals, public institutions, agriculture and residential electricity only 0.3-0.5 yuan per kilowatt hour. Therefore, the use of unit electricity quota subsidy for distributed photovoltaic projects installed in different buildings or power users has different benefits, which requires developers to judge and decide whether the projects are cost-effective.

22. Which departments should be consulted about the policies of distributed photovoltaic power generation?

About distributed photovoltaic related policy should be consulting municipal departments at the county level, the power administrative department under the State Council to encourage the municipal or county level department in charge of energy combined with local actual, establishment and grid access application, online debugging and acceptance, electricity and subsidies and settlement for the combination of distributed photovoltaic power generation project for the record, and completion inspection and acceptance of one-stop service system, simplify the process, improve the efficiency of management.

23. How can users get electricity subsidies from the state?

Power grid enterprises shall be responsible for guiding and cooperating with project units to carry out grid-connected operation and acceptance of distributed photovoltaic power generation projects, and sign purchase and sale contracts with project units. Power grid enterprises shall measure the total power generation and on-grid electricity of distributed projects respectively.

The distributed power generation project shall be subsidized according to the amount of electricity. Power grid enterprises shall settle the on-grid electricity fee with the project unit in accordance with the on-grid electricity price prescribed by the state, and transfer the national subsidy funds to the project unit for all the electricity generated by the project unit on a monthly basis in accordance with the electricity subsidy policy prescribed by the state.

24. In what way will the distributed photovoltaic power subsidy fund be distributed to the owners?

Users from the grid electricity purchasing implementation of normal electricity price policy, redundant photovoltaic power generation to get to the Internet, the power grid enterprises shall, according to the local coal fire electricity price benchmarking for desulphurization acquisition, distributed photovoltaic power generation project output can meet the electric power project corresponding to the user's demand, power grid enterprises must like general electric power users shall bear the liability of power supply.

Photovoltaic power generation project can be build by electricity users, also can use contract energy management mode, and power users should be in accordance with the contract energy management enterprise of contract energy management regulations of the state energy services agreement, users of photovoltaic system construction since the power consumption is not a deal, for the project owners to install photovoltaic power in other power users on the roof for private use, by the project owner and power users shall be carried out in accordance with the contract energy management agreement and settlement.

The power generation of the photovoltaic system shall be measured and counted by the power grid enterprise, and all the power generation of the photovoltaic system shall be subsidized by the national electricity quota. The power grid enterprise shall transfer the national subsidy funds according to the settlement cycle according to the measurement data of the photovoltaic power and the subsidy standard stipulated by the state per kilowatt hour.

Application process for grid-connection


25. How to apply for distributed photovoltaic grid-connected power generation system access to the grid company?

Distributed project owners in preparing miss information cities or counties to the power grid company customer submit an application for access to the wireless center, customer service center to assist the project owner to fill in the access to the application form, access to apply for acceptance within the time commitment, in the power grid company after customer service center will inform the project owner to confirm access system scheme, the owner after the completion of the project to the customer service center to apply for grid acceptance and commissioning, power grid enterprises will complete the installation of electric energy metering device, 购售 electrical contract and scheduling agreement is signed, hooked up to the acceptance and commissioning work, after the project can be connected to the grid.

26. What if the electricity doesn't run out?How to sell PV surplus electricity to the grid?

After signing the relevant agreement with the power grid company for the on-grid electricity, the power grid company shall measure the unused on-grid electricity, and pay it to the project owner in a timely manner according to the price and subsidy standard stipulated by the state in accordance with the electricity bill settlement cycle.

27. Is there any charge for access to distributed systems?What information do individuals and enterprises need to apply for distributed photovoltaic grid-connected system, and what is the process?

Power grid companies shall not charge any fees for the acceptance of grid-connection applicants, the formulation of access system schemes, the review of access system engineering design, the installation of metering devices, the signing of contracts and agreements, the acceptance and commissioning of grid-connection, and the measurement and settlement services subsidized by the government.

Natural persons and legal persons who apply for grid connection of distributed photovoltaic power generation need the following information respectively:

To apply for a natural person, legal supporting documents such as ID card and photocopy of the person in charge, household registration book and property ownership certificate should be provided

Legal application shall provide the agent id original and photocopy and legal person entrusted book (or the legal representative id original and photocopy), business license for enterprise law, land card legitimacy support files, the government investment projects such as agreed to by the competent department of the approval of the antecedent work of project (need to approve projects), pre-project related information.

28. What issues do distributed photovoltaic systems need to be connected to the grid?

The grid connection of distributed photovoltaic system needs to consider the issues of safety, photovoltaic configuration, measurement and settlement. In terms of safety, whether the dot switch meets the safety requirements, and whether the safety of equipment in the case of abnormal or fault in the grid can be disconnected reliably in the case of power failure in the grid to ensure personal safety.

In terms of photovoltaic configuration, the configuration of photovoltaic capacity, the selection of main equipment, the selection of access points, the realization of system monitoring and control function, the configuration and installation of anti-islanders, etc.

In terms of metering and settlement, billing and settlement method, feed-in price, materials, data and procedures needed to obtain electricity price subsidy, etc.

29. How can I get the support of the property management in the community and the consent of the neighbors to install the photovoltaic power generation system by myself?

At present, the problem of property right is an important problem to solve, to provide other owners, property, residential committee agreed to prove, including the unit of all the neighbors of the book face to face signature and residential property, industry committee agreed to the proof, and stamped by the community residential committee.

30. If the power grid outages or other failures occur, can the distribution function normally?

Grid blackouts, distributed photovoltaic power generation systems usually run out, can't normal power, but in some extreme cases there may be an island phenomenon, namely power grid blackout after the distributed generation system with partial load to continue running, affect the maintenance staff personal safety, and exist meteorite bad home appliances and the possibility of power grid, so distributed system must have the island function.

31. Does the local power company have special personnel to accept applications for grid-connection of distributed photovoltaic systems? What is the contact hotline?

State grid corporation to provide customer service center for grid-connected distributed, 95598 channels, and other consulting service hotline online business hall, to the project owners to provide online transaction process, want to shut policy explanation, such as grid work progress query service, application of distributed photovoltaic (pv) grid can be handled by local power company customer service center consulting, also can contact national grid service hotline for consultation.

32. What is a turnkey project?

For engineering design, procurement, construction general contracting, finally handed over to run directly referred to as a turnkey project, similar to usually say the meaning of the general contractor, for the users of distributed photovoltaic power generation project reporting for the project according to the on-site investigation and determine the access plan, engineering design and equipment selection, construction and completion inspection and acceptance, the scene of parallel debugging, grid generation process, providing full services, receive directly with the whole project, immediately put into operation, called a turn-key project.

Project Management


33. How to manage distributed photovoltaic power generation projects?

Distributed photovoltaic power administrative department under the State Council to be responsible for the planning, guidance, supervision and administration department in charge of local energy in the energy of the State Council departments responsible for the area under the guidance of distributed power generation project construction and supervision, entrust a national solar power technology to manage the unit to undertake technology, information and engineering quality control work.

34. Why do distributed photovoltaic power generation projects need to be recorded? Can construction begin on projects that do not require state subsidies?

Current distributed generation still need state subsidies, assume that every year 6 million kilowatts of distributed generation, annual output 7 billion degrees, at least if subsidies to 0.42 yuan per kilowatt-hour need billions of yuan, in order to optimize the distribution of subsidies, the record is a must, distributed generation projects by the municipal or county level a filing by the competent department of energy management, if the project does not need to state subsidies, can be directly after a filing management can start construction.

35. How to record distributed photovoltaic power generation project and what materials should be prepared?

When a project unit submits a fixed asset investment record form and an application form for distributed power generation project record to the prefecture-level or county-level energy administrative department, the following materials shall be included:

(1) The project scheme complying with the relevant regulations on the installation of photovoltaic power generation systems in buildings and other facilities

(2) Use certificate of project land or roof and other places

(3) Project grid-connection access opinions issued by prefecture-level or county-level power grid companies

(4) If contract energy management is adopted in the project, materials such as energy service management contract signed with power users shall be provided

(5) Other materials required by the local government in accordance with relevant regulations

36. Under what circumstances may record failure or invalidation occur?

Prefecture or county level department in charge of energy in the project for the record the acceptance of the completed for record within 10 working days from the date of audit and audit opinion to inform project units, when applying to project annual cumulative size beyond the region to guide, the local department in charge of energy release notice, stopped accepting project applications, term of validity of a distributed power generation project for the record if no special reason is not completed and put into operation, project filing void automatically.

37. Can I apply for changes to projects that have been recorded? How to change it?

In general, the projects that have been recorded cannot be changed at will. If the scheme must be changed due to special circumstances during the implementation of the project, the application for scheme change must be made in accordance with the original application procedure.

38. How to define the individual (home) installation of distributed photovoltaic power generation system?What are the preferential policies?

Power users, investment enterprises, professional contract energy service companies and individuals are encouraged to invest in the construction and operation of distributed photovoltaic power generation projects as project units.

Spontaneous for individual installation of distributed photovoltaic project in principle, more electricity to the Internet, power adjustment, we adopted for self-use photovoltaic power, automatic offset grid electricity, not to trade, to spare the Internet photovoltaic power grid companies to local desulfurization of coal price benchmarking buy-outs, individual as a single project construction of distributed photovoltaic facilities installed scale of project organizer in principle is not greater than 30 kw, the provinces have a visual is simplified by the competent department of energy project management.

Design and Installation


39. What are the components of distributed grid-connected photovoltaic power generation system?

The distributed photovoltaic power generation system consists of photovoltaic modules, grid-connected photovoltaic inverters and bidirectional metering electricity meters.

40. How can I obtain local data on solar energy resources?

The first and most critical step in PV system design is to analyze the solar energy resources and related meteorological data of the project installation and use site. Meteorological data, such as local solar radiation, precipitation and wind speed, are key data to design the system.Weather data from any location around the world is currently available free of charge as part of NASA's weather database.

41. How to select the grid-connected voltage of distributed photovoltaic grid-connected system?

The grid-connected voltage of the distributed photovoltaic system is mainly determined by the installed capacity of the system, and the specific grid-connected voltage needs to be decided according to the approval of the access system of the power grid company. Generally, AC220V is used for household use and AC380V or 10KV can be used for commercial use.

42. What determines the installation inclination of photovoltaic arrays?

The installation inclination of photovoltaic array is generally determined by the latitude of the installation site. The following table gives the dimension values and installation inclination of major cities in China.

43. How to determine the installation orientation of PV arrays?What is the effect on power generation?

Since the main reason that affects the photovoltaic power generation is the amount of sunshine, the modules should be installed in the direction with the most sunlight. Different installation angles also have an impact on the power generation of photovoltaic modules.

44. How to select PV modules?

According to the actual circumstances of the installation site can choose different types of pv modules, decided to site the effective use of space for installation of the specifications of the component size, want to install a larger capacity per unit area can choose efficient components, according to the appearance of the existing buildings can also choose different frame components, according to the scene of the series parallel connection mode fixed components of joint length, the choice of the components should be considered with installation area, capacity, cost and other factors, letter in general should choose good is good, good quality and have certification, good quality after-sales service, has the fire certification component products.

45. How to choose inverter?

Generally, according to the requirements of the system, the corresponding power section of the inverter is configured. The power of the selected inverter should match the maximum power of the photovoltaic cell array. Generally, the rated output power of the photovoltaic inverter is about the same as the total input power, which can save costs.

46. How to consider the color, transmittance, size and shape of photovoltaic modules for distributed photovoltaic power generation projects integrated with buildings?

In terms of color, we can try our best to choose the color similar to that of the building. For light transmission, we should consider making full use of the space and area of the building, rationally choosing the size and shape, doing a good job of balance and optimization, and professional technical design.

47. Should wind speed be taken into account in the design and installation of photovoltaic arrays?How should building load and wind resistance requirements be considered when installing distributed PV?

Photovoltaic array installed on the roof of a building, it is necessary to consider the load of the building roof, at the same time considering the airflow in the turbulent flow and speed after the building changes impact on the safety of the pv array, only give full consideration to the local wind conditions, landforms, terrain, and plan to install a photovoltaic array of the relative position of the buildings in the surrounding environment, to ensure the safety of the pv array and the surrounding life and property.

48. How to determine the installation capacity of a household PV system?

The size of installed capacity of household photovoltaic power generation system depends on the load of electrical equipment, roof style and roof area, and in combination with the approval opinions of the power grid company, the optimal installation capacity is determined. Under normal circumstances, the installation amount of flat roof is about 70 watts per square meter.

49. How to estimate the power generation of distributed photovoltaic grid-connected system?

To estimate the generation capacity of a photovoltaic system, it is necessary to know the effective sunshine time, system efficiency and system installation capacity of the place where the system is installed. You can also consult with the installation of photovoltaic systems to get more accurate power generation.

50. After the distributed photovoltaic power generation system is connected to the grid, how to tell the current electricity used in your home comes from the grid or your own solar cell module?

After the installation of the distributed generation system, the grid company will carry out grid-connected inspection and acceptance. After passing the inspection, two meters (or two-way meters) will be installed in the owner's home. The two meters will independently measure the power generation of the photovoltaic system and the electricity consumption of the municipal electricity.

51. Will the photovoltaic power generation system work if it is continuously rainy or foggy after installation? Will there be a power shortage or blackout?

Photovoltaic cell components under certain weak light also can generate electricity, but due to the continuous rain fog or haze weather, the sun radiation intensity of illumination is low, the working voltage of photovoltaic system if not up to the start voltage of the inverter, the system will not work, grid generation system and the distribution network is parallel operation, when the pv system cannot meet the demand of load without work, the grid electricity will be automatically added to come over, there is no lack of electricity and power outages.

52. Is there a power shortage in winter when it's cold?

Photovoltaic generating system is affected, a direct impact on power factor is the irradiation intensity and sunshine duration and the working temperature of solar cell components, unavoidably irradiation intensity is weak in winter, the city will be short, generally capacity is relatively less in summer, it is also very normal phenomenon, distributed photovoltaic power generation and power grid and grid connected, as long as there is electricity grid family electric power shortage and the load will not happen.

53. Will distributed photovoltaic access affect power quality?

Power quality refers to the quality of electric energy in the power system. The main AC/DC conversion component of the system is the inverter. The inverter will not be put into use until it passes the test of the power quality tester, so it will not affect the power quality.

54. Can the electricity generated by the day distributed photovoltaic system be stored for use as night lighting?

Can be distributed generation system, by the electricity stored during the day as night lighting, it need to add the controller and batteries and other electrical components, photovoltaic power of daytime controller will stored in the storage battery, controller will release the stored power battery at night for the use of lighting, in the case of the energy storage equipment, if the power grid system will stop working, but if change the grid inverter to intelligent network micro inverter (mixed grid and off-grid inverter), the system can still run properly.

55. Is there any need for additional wiring to install a PV system on an existing building?How to connect to an existing electrical system in your home?

The circuit of the photovoltaic system is divided into DC part and AC part. The two parts of the circuit need to be wired separately. The AC part needs to be connected with the power grid, and the dot is located at the user side of the electricity meter, and finally it is connected with the existing electrical system in the user's home.

56. Where are the monitoring devices of distributed grid-connected photovoltaic systems located? Will they occupy valuable indoor space?

The monitoring devices of distributed photovoltaic grid-connected system are divided into large photovoltaic power station monitoring, off-grid photovoltaic roof system monitoring and household roof photovoltaic system monitoring. Photovoltaic monitoring system can be installed outside, do not take up interior space, it in a variety of hardware products and related accessories for photovoltaic system can be implemented in each link of data acquisition, data transmission to the remote service platform for related data storage and analysis, finally to graph report forms to the user feedback system operation.

57. What information should the design engineer provide when designing the system according to the requirements of the customer?

System design to the customer required to provide the data is divided into strong options and option parts, will be options section includes project installation locations, year of building environment, building construction, roof type, load, access to the voltage level and roof photos, optional part includes the average monthly electricity consumption, roof plate structure, CAD drawings, roof surface situation, pictures of the meter box, etc., of course optional part to fill out the more detailed, the more reasonable to optimize design, better improve the capacity.

58. After the system is built, which party will accept the system?What should be paid attention to during acceptance?

The acceptance is mainly organized and carried out by power grid enterprises, focusing on grid-connected electrical performance, construction quality of the project, component certification, inverter certification and technical parameters, lightning grounding, fire safety, component fire certification, etc.

59. How does the installation process work?

The installation process of the distributed photovoltaic grid-connected power generation system is: the construction of the foundation, the installation of the bracket, the installation of the components, the installation of the bus box, the inverter, the distribution cabinet and other electrical equipment, the installation of the connection line, the installation of the grid access system and the installation of the metering device.

60. What electrical safety requirements do you need to pay attention to during installation?Can leakage produce dangerous eyelid to person?

As long as there is sunshine, photovoltaic modules will have electricity, so can't cut off power supply when it's sunny, and accumulation, and because the combination of voltage corresponding to the voltage can be higher, so the installation process should strictly abide by the system provider of installation instructions, performed by professional installation personnel, equipment should be used in the connection part of the professional fittings for installation, protection grade reaches IP65, electrical equipment also has the air switch,

61. How to meet the requirements of building heat insulation and sound insulation when distributed photovoltaic is combined with buildings? Whether can affect indoor daylighting?

1. Different glass materials and structures are used to control heat insulation and sound insulation. The indoor noise of distributed system equipment is determined by the agreement between the user and the manufacturer to meet the needs of the majority of users.

2. Different batteries and arrangement methods are used to adjust the light transmittance. Daylighting areas will be set aside when distributed and combined with buildings, which will not affect indoor daylighting.

62. How does the photovoltaic power generation combined with the building protect against lightning?

Lightning is mainly divided into two kinds of hazards, direct lightning and indirect lightning.

Direct lightning protection: in tall buildings to set up metal lightning protection wire into the ground, can be a huge thunderstorm cloud charge release.

Protection of inductive lightning;Lightning protection device is added in the photovoltaic system, that is, lightning protection module is installed in the confluence box, inverter and other electrical equipment to protect the indirect lightning strike.

63. What is a two-way meter?Why two-way meters?

Two-way measuring watt-hour meter is able to measure electricity watt-hour meter and power generation, power and electricity are direction, from the perspective of electricity, power consumption is counted as power or directly power, power is negative or negative electricity power, the instrument can be read forward power and reverse capacity respectively and will power data stored.

Two-way meters installed photovoltaic reason is due to the electricity in existence can't all be user consumption, while the rest of the electricity needed to power grid, electric meter need to measure a number, cannot satisfy the user requirements in photovoltaic power generation, it need to measure the other Numbers, ordinary single block table cannot meet the requirements, so you need to use smart meters with two-way electric meter measuring functions.

Operation and Maintenance


64. What are the common failures of distributed photovoltaic systems?What are the typical problems that can occur with system components?

Because the voltage does not reach the starting set value, the inverter can not work, can not start, because of the components or inverter causes low power generation, the system components may appear typical problems including junction box burning, component local burning.

65. How to deal with common failures of distributed photovoltaic systems?

When the system has problems during the warranty period, you can first call the installer or operator to explain the system problems. The installer or operator maintenance committee will answer the problems according to the user's description. If the problem cannot be solved, special personnel will be sent to the site for maintenance.

66. What is the life span of a distributed photovoltaic system?

The design life of photovoltaic power generation system without battery is generally 20-25 years.

67. How to reduce the maintenance cost of photovoltaic power generation system?

It is suggested that the selected system components and materials have good reputation and good after-sales service in the market, and qualified products can reduce the incidence of failure. Users should strictly abide by the operating manual of the system products, and carry out regular testing and cleaning maintenance of the system.

68. How to handle the post-maintenance of the system and how often to maintain it?How to maintain?

According to the product suppliers to periodically check the instructions for the use of maintenance, system maintenance work is largely wipe components, and the larger areas generally do not need artificial water to wipe, clean the rain season about 1 months time, heavy larger area can increase the number of clean, snow area and remove the thick snow, avoid affecting the capacity and snow melt after the uneven, clear in time the shade trees or clutter.

69. When cleaning photovoltaic modules, do I just wash them with water and simply wipe them? Can you have the danger of electric shock when wiping with water?

Wipe components in order to avoid in high temperature and strong sunlight on personal electric shock damage and possible damage to the component, suggest that in the morning or late afternoon cleaning component, advice when clean glass surface photovoltaic components with a soft brush, gentle clean water, clean is used when the smaller efforts, in order to avoid damage to the glass surface, with coated glass components should pay attention to avoid damage to the glass layer.

70. How to properly utilize downtime for maintenance?

Maintain the system in the morning or evening when the light is weak and the system is not in operation. Take protective measures before maintenance, including insulating gloves and insulating tools.

71. How to find out whether a PV module in a PV array has a fault array?

When users found at the same time system capacity decreases or the same as the adjacent to install power system, compared the system there may be exceptions, the user can through the monitoring data of abnormal fluctuations in the junction box to find whether a component failure in the pv array, and then contact professionals with pliers type table, thermal imager and other specialized equipment to diagnose system, ultimately determine the problem of component in the system.

72. Will shadows, leaves or even bird droppings on the PV modules affect the power generation system?

Photovoltaic modules on building shadow, the leaves, and even guano shelter on power systems may be relatively large, the influence of each component of the solar cell used electrical characteristics, otherwise will be in bad performance or obscured batteries have a so-called hot spots effect, obscured in a tandem solar cell components will be as other light load consumption of energy generated by the solar cell components, obscured the sun battery components at this time will be fever, this is the phenomenon of thermal effect, the phenomenon of serious cases can damage solar components, in order to avoid a series branch of hot spot need to add the bypass diode on the photovoltaic modules, In order to prevent hot spots in the series circuit, DC insurance should be installed on each PV group string. Even if there is no hot spot effect and solar cell shielding, the power generation will be affected.

73. In order to prevent photovoltaic modules from being hit by heavy objects, is it possible to install wire protection nets on photovoltaic arrays?

The installation of wire mesh is not recommended as the addition of wire mesh along the PV array may cause local shading of the modules and form a hot spot effect, which affects the power generation efficiency of the entire PV plant. In addition, as qualified photovoltaic modules have passed the puck impact test, the impact in general will not affect the performance of the modules.

74. Under the hot sun, is it necessary to replace the damaged fragile components immediately?

It can not be replaced immediately. If the replacement is recommended in the morning or late afternoon, the operation and maintenance personnel of the power station should be contacted in time for the replacement by professional personnel.

75. Do I need to disconnect the photovoltaic system in thunderstorm weather?

Distributed photovoltaic power generation systems are equipped with lightning protection, so there is no need to disconnect.In order to ensure safety, it is recommended to disconnect the circuit breaker switch of the junction box and cut off the circuit connection with the photovoltaic module to avoid the direct lightning damage which can not be removed by the lightning protection module. Operation and maintenance personnel should timely detect the performance of the lightning protection module to avoid the damage caused by the failure of the lightning protection module.

76. Do I need to clean up the PV system after snow?How to deal with photovoltaic modules after snow melting and freezing in winter? Can I step on a component and clean it up?

Snow back if there is a heavy snow accumulation on the component is need to clean, can use soft items will be pushed down snow, be careful not to cut glass, the component has a certain bearing, but cannot be trample on the component cleaning, will cause the component concealed damage, affecting the service life of components, the general advice don't wait to be too thick snow in cleaning, in order to avoid excessive ice components.

77. Can distributed photovoltaic power generation systems resist hail?

Qualified modules in grid-connected PV systems must pass the maximum frontal static load (wind load, snow load) of 5400P

A. The maximum static load of 2400Pa on the back side and the hail with A diameter of 25MM impact at A speed of 23M/S are strictly tested, so it will not bring harm to the photovoltaic power generation system.

78. How to deal with the temperature rise and ventilation of solar cells?

The output power of photovoltaic cells will decrease with the rise of temperature. Ventilation and heat dissipation can improve the efficiency of power generation. The most commonly used method is natural wind ventilation.

79. Do photovoltaic power generation systems pose electromagnetic emission hazards to users?

Photovoltaic power generation system is based on the principle of photovoltaic effect generated by light to convert solar energy into electricity, no pollution, no radiation, inverter, distribution cabinet and other electronic devices have passed the EMC(electromagnetic compatibility) test, so there is no harm to human body.

80. Are photovoltaic systems noise hazards?

Photovoltaic power generation system is to convert solar energy into electricity, will not produce noise effect, inverter noise index is not higher than 65 decibels, there is no noise hazard.

81. What should be paid attention to in the fire prevention and fire protection of household distributed photovoltaic power generation system?

Ban stacked near flammable and explosive items, distributed generation system in the event of casualties and property losses caused by the fire immeasurably, in addition to basic fire safety measures, also special remind a photovoltaic system has the function of self testing, and fire prevention, reduce the possibility of a fire, in addition also need every 40 m longest must reserve of fire prevention and maintenance access, and must have a convenient operation of dc system of emergency cut-off switch.

82. When the grid-connected photovoltaic power generation system fails, who should the user report to for repair? Is there a unified national service telephone number?

If the photovoltaic system fails, it should feedback the problem to the installer in the first time, and the installer will make the fault treatment in the shortest time. It is recommended to choose the installer with big brand and good reputation.

Quality Control Section


83. Why should quality control of distributed photovoltaic power generation system be paid attention to?

First distributed photovoltaic power generation system is combined with a building more, if the system quality problems may cause damage to internal power system equipment, not only may even harm the sub-station and surrounding buildings personnel security, secondly distributed photovoltaic power generation systems for personal use, if the system quality problems may cause damage to electrical equipment. The redistributed power generation system obtains economic benefits by generating capacity. If quality problems exist, the generation capacity and life of the whole system will be affected, and then the income of the whole system will be affected.

84. Does passing of each component mean that the system integration does not need to be tested?

Although the photovoltaic power generation system is composed of various components, the qualified components do not mean that the system integration is qualified. The overall design and configuration of the system, safety and operation performance need to be tested and verified.

85. How to select qualified system accessories and how long is the warranty time?

It is recommended to choose the system accessories products that have passed the national approval and certification bodies. The specifications, models and technical parameters of the system accessories products should conform to the design requirements of the whole system. Generally speaking, the components are required to be guaranteed for five years, and the inverter is required to be guaranteed for at least two years.

86. What product certification is required to obtain national subsidies?

In the grid access acceptance link to ensure that the completed photovoltaic power generation system meets the corresponding safety standards and quality requirements to pass the acceptance, photovoltaic power generation system in the main equipment including components, bus boxes, inverters, etc., are required to have the corresponding domestic certification.

87. How to judge the quality of distributed photovoltaic grid-connected system?

The quality of the distributed photovoltaic grid-connected system can only be determined by the comprehensive testing of the components and the system. The testing content includes the testing of each component and the safety and performance of the system.

88. What maintenance procedures will the supplier take after quality problems arise in the distributed photovoltaic grid-connected system and how long will it take?

Distributed photovoltaic (pv) grid system quality problems after the scene to maintenance personnel need to determine problem, feedback to the supplier, the supplier will usually sent engineers to the scene to confirm the quality problem and solution, if caused by the quality problem of the key equipment, supply chamber of commerce contact equipment manufacturers, equipment manufacturers and division generally within a week will be handled to the scene for repair.

89. How do owners generally judge the merits of their PV system?How to solve the suspected system quality problem?

Owner can preliminary judgment from the following aspects, first of all on the system appearance inspection, such as components, such as array, junction box, if found that the problem can take corresponding measures to solve, check whether power station construction contractors used system components of quality certification, in addition to field test the security of the system, such as ground wire continuity, insulation, whether with lightning protection devices, etc., also need testing system of electrical efficiency, if found the problem, should let the power station construction unit to solve in time.

90. How to judge whether the distributed photovoltaic grid-connected system works stably, whether the power quality meets the requirements, and whether the system failure will cause damage to household appliances?

Generally distributed photovoltaic (pv) grid system which has the function of data monitoring, can through the analysis of the monitoring data to determine whether a system is stable operation, such as conditional can also use the power quality analysis meeting in power station and network power quality testing, look to whether accord with national standard, general photovoltaic system failure cases will have protection device to cut off the power supply, so as not to cause damage to the household electrical appliances.

91. Is the monitoring data of the power generation of the distributed photovoltaic grid-connected system the same as the measurement data of the electricity meter? How big is the error?

Capacity of distributed photovoltaic (pv) grid system monitoring data and electric meter measurement data is not necessarily the same, and such as are in the same network using with electricity metering equipment, also completely with precision, so the data should be the same, but the use of photovoltaic (pv) grid system monitoring equipment is often used in the construction unit itself, and electric meter measuring equipment is equipment of the power sector, so data from devices may also have some gaps, how many error according to the specific circumstances, and electricity and the cost of subsidies and settlement is based on electric power department to install the measuring equipment.

92. How to monitor the online power when connected to the Internet?

Mainly through the current grid photovoltaic power generation system and network installation approved by the local electric power department of electric power meter to monitor, in addition local power debugging center usually can through the remote communication to monitor all Internet power grid photovoltaic system, the owner also can simplify construction of information system, by monitoring and optimization of power on the Internet.

93. Can the generation of the system be monitored online?

The power grid enterprises cooperate with the energy authorities at the corresponding level and carry out the measurement, information monitoring and statistics of distributed power generation within the coverage of the power grid. If the user's photovoltaic system is installed with a corresponding monitoring system, online monitoring of power generation can be realized. In addition, the monitoring system can also realize online monitoring of key equipment parameters, power quality, environmental parameters, etc.

94. What are the currently licensed testing and quality certification bodies for photovoltaic systems and products in China?

The main certification bodies are: Beijing Jianheng Certification Center and China Quality Certification Center.

The main testing institutions are: Chinese Academy of Sciences Solar Photovoltaic System and Wind Power System Quality Testing Center, National Solar Photovoltaic Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Center, China Electronics Science and Technology Corporation 18th Research Institute, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation 811th Research Institute, Shenzhen Electronic Products Quality Testing Center, Yang

State photoelectric product testing center, etc.

Cost-effectiveness and business models


95. How to estimate the investment of household distributed photovoltaic system?How long does it take to recoup the cost?

Investment install home distributed photovoltaic systems depends on the installed capacity and investment are two main conditions, photovoltaic power generation system of the hardware (including pv modules, grid inverter, wire rod, mounting bracket, meter, monitoring equipment, etc.) will cost as the market supply and demand fluctuations and photovoltaic industry technology progress and efficiency improvement and change, and is related to the installation size, general is calculated according to the system of single tile price, in addition to hardware purchase plus system construction, system installation, mode and parallel process of a small fee, the installed capacity, the greater the Some of the underlying charges in the cost structure will be diluted, resulting in a reduction in the cost per unit investment.

Depending on lighting conditions, user-side electricity prices, subsidies and system costs, the cost can be recovered in 6-10 years, and the remaining 15 years of electricity generated will become profits. Togrenner's investment evaluation small software, can roughly calculate a number for reference.

96. How to estimate the operation and maintenance cost of distributed photovoltaic power generation system?

Of distributed photovoltaic system running and maintenance is mainly on the system of mechanical installation, electrical connection in the daily inspection, cleaning of photovoltaic modules on the replacement of some failure parts such as simple operation, the cost is relatively low, for under 10 kw system maintenance cost is almost negligible, but MW level power plant should be budget by 1% - 3% maintenance cost into the system total investment, every time the cost of cleaning per square metre in 0.5 to 0.8 yuan, mainly depends on the local labor costs and operational service personnel.

97. How to estimate the cost per kilowatt hour of distributed photovoltaic system?

Power generation cost and the installation location of artificial cost, resources of sunshine, installation, system investment, local electricity price, useful life, financial cost and so on has the close relation, so KWH cost is definitely not a accurate data, considering these factors, the assumption of distributed photovoltaic life of 20 years, according to different regional resources and technology condition, the degree of distributed photovoltaic electricity cost roughly the range of about 0.7 to 1.4 yuan/KWH.

98. How to calculate the subsidy benefits of distributed photovoltaic power generation owners?

Subsidies income is divided into three parts, part of state subsidies, spontaneous self-used offset is a part of the cost of electricity, remaining power to get to the Internet is a part of the desulfurization of coal purchase prices, which all power for full use of the benefits of subsidies for (local electricity price + distributed generation state subsidies) * all electricity, part of the power of spontaneous self-use, part of the surplus electricity subsidy revenue online (the proportion of spontaneous self-used * local electricity price + + distributed generation subsidies proportion * desulfurization of coal purchase price) * all electricity generated.

99. What are the factors that affect investment returns?

The main reasons that affect the system investment return include power generation design (lighting resources, system conversion efficiency, system maintenance level), initial investment of the system, financial cost, subsidy policy, quality and reliability of the power station and after-sale service. Specifically, how to choose the construction site of the power station, how to choose the power generation technology and suppliers, how to do a good investment income analysis in advance, how to choose the photovoltaic system providers with scale and brand and quality assurance services, how to do a good job in power generation optimization, etc.

What are the construction and business models of distributed photovoltaic power generation systems?

Distributed photovoltaic projects relying on the buildings and facilities should have legitimacy, if the owner has the project units and the project depends on the way of the ownership of the buildings can be used in a self-built, funded by the owners, the owners reap the benefits, if the project units and the building of the project is based on non-uniform and facilities all main body, the project units and buildings and facilities of all the use of buildings and facilities or rental agreement, the funding methods and power users signed contract energy management service agreement.

101. What is contracted energy management?

Contract energy management is a new kind of market-oriented energy-saving mechanism, its essence is to reduce energy costs to pay of the total cost of the project of business mode, this way of saving energy and reducing consumption investment allows customers to use in the future energy saving benefits and equipment upgrades for the factory, in order to reduce running cost, energy-saving benefit or corporate commitment to energy saving project or contract the overall energy costs to provide energy saving services.

102. What are the benefits of installing PV systems for industrial and commercial users?

The advantages of industrial and commercial users installing photovoltaic power generation system are: industrial and commercial power consumption is large, the price is high, the proportion of spontaneous use is large, the recovery period is short, and the yield rate is high. In addition, the photovoltaic system has the social benefits of energy saving and emission reduction, which can help industrial users complete the energy saving and emission reduction targets, at the same time, it can reduce the electricity cost of enterprises and improve the competitiveness of enterprises.

103. Can the user apply for bank loan for the construction of distributed photovoltaic power generation system for lack of funds? What does the borrower need to have?

In addition to the project capital and funding, can apply for bank loans to solve, part of Banks and other financial institutions have recently begun to distributed users provide loans and other financial services, such as the national development bank has combined the National Energy Administration formulate "about support distributed generation's opinions on financial services, has been clear about the national development bank for distributed photovoltaic to, such as the form and conditions of the credit support policy, generally in good condition, no significant adverse credit record of enterprise legal person and has full civil liability of natural person can apply for a bank loan.

104. What is the maximum amount of bank loan I can apply for?How long is the term? What's the interest rate?What are the repayment methods?

Reference to China's regulations on investment project capital system, the user should raise at least 20% of the total project investment capital, corresponding to apply for bank loans of up to 80%, with reference to power projects medium and long-term loans, according to the lender and actual project, distributed photovoltaic power generation project loan time limit, generally up to 15 years, at present our country gradually realize the marketization of interest rate, on the basis of the people's bank benchmark interest rates, Banks can according to oneself circumstance with flexible pricing, reimbursement means can generally be practice or equal principal repayment of principal and interest waiting for the forehead.

105. What are the main payment modes for distributed photovoltaic power generation projects?

Classified according to whether the user directly to the bank to apply for a loan, loan mode can be divided into direct loans, to borrow, and system model, also meet the requirements of the bank directly to apply for a loan qualification of the distributed generation investment subject may directly apply for bank loans to support, the other to do not conform to the companies and natural persons directly apply for loans, generally adopts the model of system borrow system also supports, such as the national development bank plans to establish a loan qualification and the ability of commitment shall borrow platform, by the national development bank provide credit to borrow system platform, the platform to season's loan (by commercial Banks), and other ways to provide loans to support, Users can apply for loans from local banks or flat lending platforms according to their own circumstances.

106. What documents do I need to prepare to apply for a bank loan?What are the conditions for loan issuance?

Apply for bank loans to borrowers tend to need to prepare material, natural person identity certificates, certificate of personal assets or business license, the company's articles of association, nearly three years, project finance audit report for the record, grid access approval, land, or lease agreement, roof power purchase agreement, energy management contract and other relevant documents, generally loans should be done before project for the record and the power purchase agreement, energy management contract and other relevant agreements.



